Ice skates on ice, inscription: Rothe Erde

Company profile of Rothe Erde

Rothe Erde is a corporation that has been part of the international group of the thyssenkrupp AG since 1992.

The headquarter is based in Germany (Dortmund). Central functions for the business unit are provided from here.

A global brand with a local presence - this is the corporate structure of Rothe Erde. A total of approx. 6,000 people are employed in 11 companies worldwide. Our subsidiaries are based across four continents:

  • Europe (Germany, France, Italy, Spain, Great Britain, Slovakia)

  • Asia (China, Japan, India)

  • North America (USA)

  • South America (Brazil)

Slewing bearings, rolling bearings and seamlessly rolled rings as well as their components are manufactured in 14 plants worldwide. The components are mainly obtained from in-house production in order to guarantee the high quality of the products.

The plants manufacture the products in different sizes for different areas of application, so that a diverse product portfolio can be offered.

A close cooperation between the individual companies is essential in order to implement individual customer requirements. An example: The intercontinental cooperation between our subsidiaries based in Germany, Slovakia and Japan made it possible to realize a project for a Chinese customer. As part of this project, the three companies manufactured main bearings for wind turbines.

You can find more information about the project here.

Global sales network

World map with flags at Rothe Erde locations

To ensure a perfect customer orientation, sales are carried out locally and decentral via the respective national companies.

In addition to our 11 subsidiaries, Rothe Erde works locally with carefully selected distributors and representatives all over the world in order to be able to make the products globally accessible to our customers. Thanks to our local contacts, we can benefit from cultural know-how and market knowledge around the world.

Click here for our locations

Global presence: 14 production sites on four continents

Drone shot from the plant of thyssenkrupp rothe erde Germany GmbH

thyssenkrupp rothe erde Germany GmbH


Seamless rolled rings: diameter of up to 8,000 mm | Slewing bearings: diameter of up to 9,500 mm (Larger segmented bearings: diameter up to 25,000 mm)

Drone shot from the plant of thyssenkrupp rothe erde Italy S.p.A.

thyssenkrupp rothe erde Italy S.p.A.


Slewing bearings: diameters of up to 2,500 mm
Drone shot from the plant of thyssenkrupp rothe erde Spain S.A.

thyssenkrupp rothe erde Spain S.A.


Slewing bearings: diameters of up to 3,500 mm
Drone shot from the plant of thyssenkrupp rothe erde UK Ltd.

thyssenkrupp rothe erde UK Ltd.

Great Britain

Slewing bearings: diameters of up to 2,200 mm
Drone shot from the plant of thyssenkrupp rothe erde Slovakia a.s.

thyssenkrupp rothe erde Slovakia a.s.


Slewing bearings: diameters of up to 3,500 mm

Drone shot from the plant of Xuzhou Rothe Erde Slewing Bearing Co., Ltd.

Xuzhou Rothe Erde Slewing Bearing Co., Ltd


Slewing bearings: diameters of up to 6,000 mm

Drone shot from the plant of thyssenkrupp rothe erde (Xuzhou) Ring Mill Co. Ltd.

thyssenkrupp rothe erde (Xuzhou) Ring Mill Co. Ltd.


Seamless rolled rings: diameters of up to 8,000 mm

Drone shot from the plant of thyssenkrupp rothe erde Japan Ltd.

thyssenkrupp rothe erde Japan Ltd.


Slewing bearings: diameters of up to 5,000 mm
Drone shot from the plant of Rothe Erde India Private Ltd.

Rothe Erde India Private Ltd.


Slewing bearings: diameters of up to 5,000 mm

Drone shot from the plant of thyssenkrupp rothe erde USA Inc.

thyssenkrupp rothe erde USA Inc.


Slewing bearings: diameters of up to 5,000 mm | Seamless rolled rings: diameters up to 4,000 mm
Drone shot from the plant of thyssenkrupp Brazil Ltda – Division rothe erde

thyssenkrupp Brazil Ltda – Division rothe erde


Slewing bearings: diameters of up to 3,500 mm

A look at global corporate management

Two men in suits, a woman with blond hair and a suit.

Our executives and management teams are the backbone of our company and drive our vision and strategy. Learn more about the people who lead Rothe Erde at the top and our locations worldwide. Discover how strong collaboration and synergy between the different units work.

Explore our management team